Insight into The Mendel Chronicles

A writing project by Jeremy Davenport
I want to use this blog to work on my writing skills, and to write something longer than a page or two. One way to do it is by a piece at a time. Blogs is structured much the way I feel like I can write, and so here it is. In your comments, please provide any advice you might have for me to develop my writing skills, and any suggestions you have to improve the story line.


Writing is... much harder than I had imagined. OK. Not the act of actually putting pen to paper (I mean finger to keyboard) so much as finding the time to actually perform the act itself.

I have a new found appreciation for those of my acquaintances and friends who write, edit, revise, and publish their works either by themselves or in conjunction with a publisher.

That being said, I haven't forgotten the project; rather, I've had much going on lately, and not so much time to dedicate to my story line.

There will be an end. Somewhere. I just don't know where right now.

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